183: Former Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots (Ben Orenstein)
Episode 183 · January 11th, 2019 · 49 mins 25 secs
About this Episode
On this episode of the Bike Shed, Chris is joined by former thoughtbotter Ben Orenstein. Ben & team are currently feverishly working towards launching Tuple.app, an app for remote pair programming. The conversation covers the unique technical challenges inherent to building this sort of app (WebRTC & firewalls, oh my), as well as a discussion around the merits and value of pair programming. To round out the conversation, Ben checks in on whether Chris is still "nerding out hard on Vim".
- Giant Robots
- Art of Product Podcast
- Tuple App
- WebRTC
- Tuple - Pair Programming Guide
- Infamous Hacker News Comment about the initial version Dropbox
- Let's Encrypt
- Red Hat - Enterprise Linux
- fzf - generic fuzzy finder
- VS Code
- Mastering the Vim Language
- @r00k - Ben on twitter
Thank you to One Month for sponsoring this episode.
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